this is from when my brother, jessica, and mr. h were in PARIS!!!!! It was so warm that day and I seriously was so hungover/sleep deprived but I'm so glad we went!
We mostly went to the see the Takashi Murakami exhibition and it did not fail to amaze us! The luxe, intricate details of Versailles along with the details of Murakami's jap pop/manga aesthetic were um....AMAZING.
"For Japanese, myself included, the Chateau de Versailles is one of the great symbols in Western history. It is emblematic of an elegance, sophistication, and artistic ambition that most of us could only dream of. We understand, of course, that the fuse that sparked the fires of revolution led right through the center of the building. But in many ways, it all comes across as a fantastic tale from far, far away. Just as the people of France might find it difficult to recreate in their minds an accurate image of the age of the Samurai, so too does the story of the palace become one that is, for us, diluted reality. Thus, it is likely that the Versailles of my imagination is one that my mind has exaggerated and transformed until is had become a kind of surreal world of it's own. It is this that I have tried to capture in this exhibition, I am the Cheshire Cat who greets Alice in Wonderland, and chatters on as she wanders around the the Chateau. With my playful smile, I invited you all to the Wonderland of Versailles."
-Takashi Murakami.
This basically sums up a lot about how I feel about Paris. My whole life I have created this imaginary world of what I think Paris was (mostly me walking down streets with coffee in hand a really cute outfit) & being here and experiencing everything first hand is so surreal. I laughed when I first saw the Eiffel Tower because I just couldn't believe.
I have been in Paris for almost two months. It's so bittersweet knowing I will leave...and although I can always come back, I can never recreated this experience that I am experiencing now. Hopefully the next time I come back to Paris my parents will be joining me! I feel so guilty when I try to describe the things I've seen, it's just not the same!