Saturday, September 11, 2010


Seriously, the weather could not be any more gorgeous!! I'm sitting in front of the window...the breeze is divine!
I woke up with my first hangover in Paris! Haha, I didn't even drink that much, but maybe it's because I don't drink red wine usually and I've been drinking it more here!
Today we (my roommates & I) are going to St. Michael (sp? looks funny) which is only a few stops from our apartment. There's a lot of cafes and galleries there so I'm excited to finally get in on some Parisian action! It's also home to Notre Dame, so maybe we'll get to see it better! (the last time I saw was through the window of a bus!)
I think my bangs need some professional help. They're like too blunt, but I really want to save my money, so that will have to wait.
I seriously am a starving artist here in Paris! It's really funny, but fun at the same time! Save, save, save! So when I actually do splurge (drinking at cafes, ice cream, sweets, junk food)  it's sooooooooo sweet! 
I wonder if I've gained any weight? I eat bread everyday---something I didn't do much of back home! My clothes feel a little looser, but I think I actually need to workout more...!!

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